As a business owner or manager, your staff is the key to your success. Getting them engaged with their work and the technology that makes it all possible is a must. There are many approaches you can take to enhancing employee engagement with technology.

The first approach you can take to encourage employee engagement is to offer virtual work. It’s been shown that employees who are given the chance to work virtually tend to be happier and have less sick days than those who always work out of an office location. Offering your employees the chance to work virtually can benefit their mental health while still allowing them to connect with other employees through virtual collaborations. Some examples of these include project management tools, shared whiteboards, file sharing, and wikis.

It’s no joke that humans have a natural desire to compete with one another. This desire is something that every … Read More

The sheer scale, size, and scope of corporate IT infrastructure are things that have substantially grown in the last fifteen years. For many businesses, IT infrastructure went from several dozen servers in a basement to elaborate data centres featuring many thousands of servers such as VMware hosting. In the early years of the 1990s, networked storage was barely in existence. However, modern IT organisations sink tens of millions of dollars into them.

This expansion has solid reasons behind it. Infrastructure is what runs the many applications that process a company’s transactions, handle client data and information that provide market insights, and serve as a foundation to the analytical tools which let managers and executives make their choices in how to operate complicated organisations. In truth, infrastructure is a driving force behind a lot of rises in productivity and corporate growth seen in recent years.

However, the actual ubiquity of … Read More