Why Driver Mental Health Matters

The HSE has reported findings showing at least half a million large good vehicle drivers experienced anxiety, stress or depression arising from their work in 2015-16. These stats are getting worse as time progresses. Currently, 30% of self-disclosed ailments at work within the transport and logistics sector are due to anxiety, stress and depression. To this day reporting mental illness comes with the risk of stigmatisation. 95% of workers suffering from mental illness who call in to report they are sick give other illnesses as the reason. Also, a majority of workers who are diagnosed with mental illnesses hide this from their employer with only 22% disclosing their diagnosis.
Why Is Mental Health Critical?
In the past, people have treated mental health as a taboo subject. You could not broach the subject of your struggles with mental health. It was seen as a weakness that you could not share. Progress … Read More