Do I Need CDN With My Cloud Hosting Plan?

Do I Need CDN With My Cloud Hosting Plan?

Cloud Hosting offers a wide array of benefits to websites like high performance, faster loading times, server redundancy, instant scalability of resources, etc. Hence it is no surprise that over the last decade, Cloud Server Hosting has evolved into a preferred hosting type for many websites. Hence, if you have migrated to Cloud Hosting, chances are, that the performance of your website is at par with that of your competitors. Therefore, it is crucial to look for other methods to improve the speed and performance of your site. In this article, we will talk about a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and how it can enhance your site’s performance.

CDN or Content Delivery Network

A CDN is a network of servers that are interconnected, allowing you to offer a fast-loading website regardless of the geographical location of the visitor. A content delivery network duplicates your site’s databases, content, media, etc. … Read More

Moving to Cloud Hosting from Dedicated Hosting: All You Need to Know

Cloud Hosting has evolved to become the preferred choice for many websites due to the wide range of benefits offered by Cloud Hosting providers. In the current market, website owners have multiple hosting options available like Shared Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, VPS hosting, Cloud hosting, etc. with each type offering certain benefits and drawbacks for different websites. A decision to move your website to another hosting type is difficult albeit an important one. Hence, it is important to understand the pros and cons of making the move. Today, we are going to talk about things that you need to know before moving from a Dedicated Hosting plan to a Cloud Hosting plan.

Before we begin, it is important to note the primary difference between Dedicated and Cloud Hosting:

In Dedicated Hosting, you have a complete web server along with its resources dedicated to your website. Hence, you can choose the configurations … Read More