Eight Different Government Related Implementations of Voice Over IP Technology

Eight Different Government Related Implementations of Voice Over IP Technology

In a recent report released through the Internet Voice Campaign, the main advantages of VoIP as concerns homeland security along with other government and citizen safety concerns were outlined at length.

VoIP is currently becoming the fallback position for occasions when disaster strikes and regular telephony options are unavailable. With wireless broadband innovation moving to the foreground of unified communications, mobile technology will be the safety net in case of emergency in numerous situations.

  •  After 9/11, the Commerce Department switched their main communications system to VoIP to allow for warnings being transmitted by specific departments – a professional targeting method that enables a kind of reverse 9-1-1 access where even deaf users could be alerted by flashing light and text messaging.
  • In Iraq and Afghanistan, the Department of Defense is utilizing VoIP on over 8,000 phones. The DISA (Defense Information Systems Agency) can keep sensitive communications in their
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