The Future of Camera Phones

Camera phones appear to possess become ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives. They may be one of the most crucial social revolutions because of the cell phone itself. Right here are a handful of items to look for in the future of camera phones.

1. Better camera

camera phones are going to be vastly better than they are now. They’re going to be vastly much better than any camera which has ever existed. Although they are going to probably generally lag the newest technologies because of their small size, the newest technologies inevitably constantly filter down to mobile phones. Presently, 3D TVs and 3D films like Avatar are each of the rages inside the media. It isn’t as well hard to think about that at some point we are going to have 3D cameras and video recorders, and that, by extension, those technologies will sooner or later reach our cell phones. … Read More